One of our specialties is the transportation of birds, and to carry out a proper transport must first perform an identification of birds properly.

The first thing to do is check the scientific name of the animal, and whether the species specifically required documentation cites to regulate, so, Your ID.

With proper identification can make detailed monitoring, both pets and livestock. There are a number of requirements required for all animal species; are the means of identification, the computer databases, movement documents and ledgers exploitation. Computerized database in Spain is SITRAN (Integrated Animal Traceability System), integrating REGA (General Register Livestock Farms), RIGA (Individual Animal Identification) and REMO, (Registration Movements).

The logbook can be done manually or computerized and must be accessible for a minimum period 3 years to the competent authorities. The identification process is by CNIGRE (National Coordination Committee and Registration Cattle Farm) species of livestock interest. In the case of birds identification for traceability servants batch is done under the same conditions.

For tracking the birds are identified with a seal affixed on the carrier with which they move, This code takes the REGA, formed by ES (Spain), two digits that identify the province, three digits indicating the municipality and seven digits that identify the operation within the municipality. A total of two letters and 12 numbers. In the case other than birds transported, birds are marked with rings, necklaces, Bibs and alar brands to be recognized and make a reading distance. The rings are placed on the left or right leg, can be plastic or metal, different colors and can contain letters and numbers. The position of numbers and letters depends on the country where they have put the rings.